Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i think it was the company fault because they didn't really pay attenion to whats going on they think it mite just need to go just drop it off

Friday, May 21, 2010

I just saw a video from the band called Aventura and the video is called Ella Y YO and the lead singer name is Anthony Santo an there is Lenny Santos the brother and the guitarist and musical producer/arranger of the band and there is the other brother Max Santos and he is the bass player of the band and last but not least the other brother Henry Santos Jeter and he also a singer

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Do you feel safe in your house?
yes i do feel safe because i been living there for fourteen years.

Do you feel safe in you neighborhood?
yes i do because most of the time it's not loud with gun shoots or people screaming at each other.

Do i feel safe walking to/from school?
sometimes because most of time i don't know what would happen if i walk.

What makes you feel unsafe?
when it's so quit because i feel weird.

Name some of the places you feel unsafe in your neighborhood?
at school or places i don't know.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eat only food that has been cooked by human.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cesar Chavez Answers From Class Blog.

1. Who was Cesar Chavez?
Cesar Chavez was a immigrant farm worker from Mexico.

2. What was the UFW and why did it form?
the UFW was a United Farm Workers and it formed cause it wanted to support organized labor, religious groups, minorties, and students.

3. How is the food you eat connected to the UFW?
The Food we ate is related because the fruit we eat is from farms.

4. How did Cesar Chavez die and what is being done to continue his legacy?
Cesar Chavez died in his sleep and we continue his legacy by marching for charismatic labor.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

yAyAz lEttER

ATTN: Mr. Christoher Dobbins, school board Member District 6
Oakland Unified School Distrrict
12252nd Ave
Oakland, CA 94619

Nazarya Porcayo
Melrose Leadership Academy
5328 Brann St.
Oakland, CA 94619
March 2nd, 2010
Dear Dobbins,
My name is Nazarya Porcayo I go to Melrose Leadership Academy in East Oakland. I writing to you because i just want to say thank you for everything from are school. I just wanted to ask if we can have better food because the food you surve us sometimes make us feel sick when we eat it because it mite not be very cook or sometimes it's old and aready rotan we want fresh food and heltheyer. Thanks a lot for having time to read my letter.

Nazarya Porcayo